Communication involves the words that people use to convey information to one another. It also involves other ways of transmitting information including body language, tone of voice, and other forms of non-verbal communication. Communication in relationships is vital to having a healthy, and happy partnership. Being able to communicate openly and honestly with people close to you allows you to learn, express yourself, and create lasting bonds.
The Importance of Communication in Relationships
Communication is the foundation of any relationship, whether it’s between friends, romantic partners, or family members, as it keeps partners on the same page and maintains a strong emotional connection. A couple’s communication pattern can often predict how successful their relationship will be. The following is the importance of good communication in any relationship:
Greater Intimacy
Good communication between couples creates a greater intimacy – both emotional and physical. Forming a close emotional connection with your partner requires a mutual give-and-take when it comes to sharing things about yourself and giving the other person space to express themselves. When you respect and value your partner’s feelings and opinions, they will feel honored and accepted.
Less Conflict
Good communication in relationships reduces and solves conflicts. When you create an environment where you and your partner can talk about your problems openly rather than getting caught up in a cycle of hurt feelings, misunderstanding, and emotional strife, you can resolve arguments and disagreements more readily.
Supporting each Other through Tough Times
Couples who communicate effectively can support each other during tough times. Being there for each other and offering a listening ear makes all the difference. When a couple faces challenges together, it strengthens their bond and makes it easier to get through tough times together.
Increased Trust
Open and real communication with your partner means you can go to them about anything. This allows you to share happiness and sadness, the good and bad days. You can be vulnerable with them and trust that they will always support and love you no matter the circumstance.
The Hallmarks of Effective Communication
The ability to communicate well in relationships can help people face challenges and hardships more productively. Some of the strategies that can help you improve your connection through effective communication in your relationship include the following:
Being Honest and Open
It is important to be honest and open with your partner every time you hold a conversation. This means you should make your feelings and your needs clear. Retreating from conflict or walking away from arguments are temporary solutions that will never solve your problems. When partners are honest and open with each other, they are able to trust that what they say will be heard and respected in case of a disagreement.
Showing kindness to your partner makes them feel cared for and understood. This can go a long way in communicating better with your partner and solving conflicts constructively and healthily.
Using “I” Statements
If each time you are trying to solve a conflict but you both focus on arguing facts without talking about feelings, the arguments can quickly turn into debates over who is right and who gets the last word. On the contrary, “I” statements are focused on what you are feeling instead of your partner’s behavior and they are very helpful in interpersonal conflicts because they help you and your partner focus on the emotions behind some of the issues that concern you.
Being Fully Present
When having a conversation with your partner, it is important to be fully present in the conversation. Avoid or minimize distractions by outside sources such as your phone because it can lead to a lack of communication and a poor connection with your partner. You can set aside time everyday to really focus on your partner and talk about concerns you may have.
Active Listening
Active listening involves being engaged in the conversation, listening attentively, and reflecting back on what people have said. It also involves seeking for clarification when something is unclear and avoiding making judgements.
Avoid Negative Communication Patterns
When you and your partner are trying to solve a conflict and you are tempted to engage in behavior like yelling, ignoring your partner, or using passive-aggressive actions, take a step back and think about how your behavior will affect your relationship negatively. If you have had these behaviors while growing up, its important that you become aware of them and start replacing them with more positive habits.
Not Personalizing Issues
Good communicators will avoid personalizing their partner’s actions. Instead, they focus on the situation at hand and how conflicts can be resolved.
Showing Acceptance
Healthy communication in a relationship is about accepting and validating the other person even if you do not agree with them. In good communication, partners are able to recognize that people have a right to feel their feelings even if those feelings are different from your own.
Letting Things Go
When you are solving a conflict with your partner, do not let a discussion about what’s happening now devolve into a rehash of every wrong that has ever happened between you and your partner. It is important to know that there’s nothing either of you can do about the past at that moment. Instead, assess your current situation and come up with solutions for particularly that moment.
Signs of Poor Communication in Relationships
When communication between couples is poor, the relationship starts to fail. The following are signs of poor communication:
- Constantly criticizing your partner
- Ignoring or giving your partner the silent treatment
- Engaging in passive-aggressive behaviors each time you disagree
- Assuming you know what your partner thinks or feels without listening to them first
- Having the same arguments over and over without finding a solution
- Getting defensive every time your partner calls you out on your mistakes
- Refusing to compromise or listen to your partner’s line of thought
Effective communication in relationships allows you to tell your partner what you need and to respond to what your partner needs. It allows you to feel understood, validated, and connected to your partner. When communicating, focus on listening to understand and respond with empathy and care. However, there may be times when you will need professional help especially when you feel you have tried everything to keep your relationship going but it does not work. A therapist will help identify unhealthy communication patterns and help you develop new communication techniques for a happy and heathy relationship.